Maybelline case study and wider reading

Maybelline case study and wider reading

The Boss Life Analysis:

Narrative and genre - Both media influencers are seen as finding a suitcase of golden   masacara, this causes them to change into different clothes and the setting also looks different after finding the suitcase. The narrative theories that this is based of is action and enigma codes. Furthermore, the idea of the suitcase that is full of the product links to the idea of a pot gold.

Cinematography - The cinematography used in the scene include city view to create the idea of it being modern and trendy however this city view is changed when the product is introduced changing from a blue colour to gold. The gold colour is used to emphasise how the product is luxurious therefore making the viewer think highly of the product and the Maybelline brand. One of the camera shots used in the advert is a swooping hand-held shot to emphasise the change of the costume of the two people and how the area has changed from blue and bright to gold.

Mise-en-scene - The costume of the two people in the advert change from casual clothes to professional with a gold colour scheme. The product also has a gold colour but is placed in a suit case to create the idea of the product being hard to get thus making the product seem more luxurious in the eyes of the viewer.

Mise-en-scene - The actors included in the advert are two digital influencers with a combine fan-base of millions. The lighting stays bright and consistent however the colour of the clothes and the area changes from a blue and casual to gold and glamorous.

Editing - There was a jump cut used to show what happened to the digital influencers after they use the product. There was also a slow-mo of the two in the bed when they open the suit case emphasis their joy and happiness. Furthermore, there are visual effects used such as sparkling effects used to further emphasise the glamour that the viewer should associate with the product.

Sound - One of the sound effects used is the saying of "Boss Life" to show the change of the scene to being based off a gold palette. 

Maybelline "That Boss Life": 

1) As it was the first time a man was used to advertise make-up and cosmetics.

2) The advert suggests that the view of masculinity and sexuality are changing due to including a man in an advertisement. This changes gender stereotypes and the fact that only women can be included in advertisements for cosmetic products. Furthermore, this promotes the idea of gender fluidity as it shows men who are being shown with things that have been associated with women such as make-up. Also, the representations of sexuality are also changing due to the fact the advertisement includes a man who identifies as gay.

3)Digital influencers can be considered attractive to companies as it allows companies to promote their products through people that have a large following. By doing this, they can set-up a target audience and find people that products of the companies might attract and gravitate towards.

4) One of the reasons Maybelline might have chosen MannyMua and MakeUpShayla is due to their content that they broadcast on their social media is based on make-up tutorials etc and also it helps them portray their product in a positive light due them using lively and outgoing characters making people who consider themselves as such, be more interested in the product.

“It tends to be a younger brand attracting younger consumers for which the power of the influencers is really strong,” noted Liebmann.

In today’s consumer climate, said Liebmann, celebrities aren’t totally out — but it helps if they have a social media following. "

Score Hair Cream: 

1) The Score Hair Cream communicates to the audience that the men are superior than women which is reinforced by the man being higher than the women in positon, the man is more clothed whereas the women are less-clothed and wear scanty clothes which links to the idea that women are there and presented to satisfy male pleasures. 

2) The phrase " Get what you've always wanted" implies that the product will satisfy the customer but also subtly implies sexual themes.

3) The idea of a traditional man and male superiority.

 4) The oppositional reading for this advert is that the advert is promotes hair cream however the oppositional reading is that the advert promotes male superiority and also promote subtle sexual themes shown by the gun to symbolise a phallic symbol but also the phrase " Get what you've always wanted".

5) The background of Manny Gutierrez and Shayla Mitchell is important due to the fact that it promotes the idea of a homosexual man who is open about his sexual orientation who doesn't reinforce traditional male views.

6) The narrative of the advert is two friends are in a hotel and then find a suit case full of mascara which then changes how they look from casual and normal to glamourous and professional.

7) The article shows the message of Maybelline being that their product can be for women but also men as well which breaks away from traditional masculine views.

8) The change from the 1967's and 2017 in the representation of masculinity has significantly changed. The 1967 view on masculinity would have been that men are emotionless and should keep their emotions and views to themselves and most importantly they should be heterosexual however this contrasted with the 2017 representation as Manny is gay and doesn't fall under the idea of the traditional masculine man.


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