Introduction to Feminism

Introduction to Feminism

1) To prevent sexism and harassment on women and how nobody takes the issue seriously or doesn't want to talk about it.

2) Everyday Sexism links to Post-feminism as it shows how women are equal with men in our current day society however she also shows how violence against women in the UK is still prominent, examples given are Over 2 women killed every week by a current or former partner, 400,000 women are sexually assaulted per year, one rape every 7 minutes.

3) Technology is essential to the success of Everyday Sexism as it allows women to voice their opinion and also makes it easier for people to come across the more easier.]

4) The future of feminism is need as long as women are not viewed as being equal to men and changes are already made in our current day society.

The Fourth Wave: 

1) Feminism is often divided into ‘waves’ to explain the cultural context in which they began. The ‘first wave of feminism’began in the late 19th to early 20th centuries, with a main focus on suffrage.The ‘second wave’ began in the 1960s,campaigning for the growth of equal rights and leading to the Equal PayAct of 1970,amongst other equality laws.

Many thousands of digital campaigns, Twitter hashtags and celebrity identification could be cited to show the current representation, ideologies and transformation of modern feminism.

2) 19th to early 20th century, 1960s adn the 1990s. Yes I do agree.

3) Everyday sexism was started by Laura Bates back in 2012 as a website which posted examples of sexism that users faced every day. This was due to people believing that men and women were equal but yet there were many problems such as sexual harassement and rape which were still prominent problems that still existed even though people stated that women were finally viewed to be equal to men.

The FCKH8 campaign focuses on the modern representation of girls and the huge social inequalities they face and is a complete paradigm shift in the representation of young girls. This exploitation of feminism as an advertising tool created a huge backlash. In addition, the equation of swearing with ‘good’ feminism didn’t play well with a majority in the movement; and the digital aspect left the campaign open to numerous parodies =.

This Girl Can campaign, which has been described as the first fitness campaign for women which doesn’t shame or exclude them, by sharing photos, videos and quotes of women without the usual sexual exploitation of a women’s fitness advert and without body shaming.

4) With the help of digital media, feminists are able to voice their opinion without repercussions whereas in the past this would be deemed difficult which shows how beneficial and impactful the internet is. Also, feminist have been able to make changes and also bring things into light if they are deemed sexist or misogynistic.


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