Film Poster analysis

Film Poster analysis:
Image result for blade runner poster

Blade Runner:
This film falls under the Sci-fi genre due to the futuristic buildings shown in the poster. Furthermore, the man in the poster who is the main character is holding a gun which could mean they are violent aspects depicted in the movie as well. Also, the light radiating from behind the man shows that he is the hero of the story and the character that we are meant to root for as the movie progresses. Although the man is placed in a bright background meaning that he is a good and virtuous character however he is holding a gun leading to him possibly having violent tendencies or good at using weapons. Next to the man, is a woman who is holding a lit cigarette and is smaller than next to the man in the poster which means that she could be a supporting character who aids the man in achieving his goal? However, unlike the man in the poster who has a bright background, she is in a dark background meaning that she could possibly be a villain or have a dark and tragic backstory. Both the characters in the poster have serious and stern looks in their faces meaning that they are determined in achieving their personal goals. Although the man is placed in a bright background meaning that he is a good and virtuous character however he is holding a gun leading to him possibly having violent tendencies or good at using weapons.
Image result for scary movie  2

Scary Movie 2:
This film is a satirical horror comedy movie that parodies other horror movies this is shown in the poster when the characters seem as though they are in a cinema and the character in the middle’s head is a popcorn box and the character above him is eating. The characters shown in the poster have a range of emotions such as shocked, angry and stunned. Also, the character in the middle is likely to be the main character and has a surprised and disgusted face which means that we are going to see things from his viewpoint and see his reaction to the things that happen in the movie as it progresses. Also in the poster, there is a priest shown meaning that the movie is probably going to parody the movie The Exorcist. Also, the poster refers to things that are seen as creepy and frightening such as black cats, dead people and are satirised rather than being taken serious.

Image result for uzak poster


Image result for im not scared poster
The film shows the silhouette of man who is wearing dark clothes and is looking at a city. The man is secluded and isolated with no one around him meaning that the movie can deal with these themes. Also, in the far horizon there is a silhouette of a mosque which could mean the movie is set in a country in the Middle East or Arabic backgrounds. Also, the ground has snow which could relate to how the man feels in the image - dispassionate and disdainful. 

I'm Not Scared: 

The image shows a boy peering down at what seems as a hole or a ditch .The boy's face is somewhat dark even though it is a bright sunny day with a big blue sky behind the child. Next to the boy are quotes about the film. The title of the movie is in gold/yellow and is imposing as it takes up most of the bottom half of the poster. 

Image result for sin city poster

Sin City:

The poster has a grey and black colour palette which creates a sense of gloominess. The title of the movie is in red which creates the idea of the movie being a violent and gory movie, this is also proven by most of the characters in the poster having a gun. Also, the character in middle of the poster which could mean he is the protagonist is in a sullen and resentful mood, also the character is aiming his gun down which could indicate how he is shooting to kill or finishing off an opponent which could foreshadow the events that may happen in the film.

Image result for pirates of the caribbean - dead man's chest poster

Pirates of the Caribbean - Dead Man's Chest:

The poster and name reveals that this is a movie about pirates which means that this movie could be wild and absurd as those aspects are associated with pirates. Furthermore, the poster has a green/muddy colour palette like a old painting which relates to the setting of the movie being archaic and medieval. Also, the movie has three people included in it with one bearing a gun which could mean the movie has some violent scenes but also portrays that character as violent and reckless. The poster also has a picture of a ship battle which could foreshadow the events that might occur in the film.

Bride and Prejudice:
Image result for bride and prejudice poster
The poster is bright and colourful with the characters in it being vivid and discernible. Although, there is an assortment of characters, there are two characters that are bigger than the others which could mean that those two are our protagonist  with the  film occurring through their perspective and the other characters being supporting characters. This could mean that the film is possibly a romantic film with something about marriage due to the title of the film being "Bride and Prejudice" which is a play on words of Pride and Prejudice. The film could be produced by a Indian production company due to the Taj Mahal in the background of the poster which means it would fall in the category of a Bollywood movie.

Image result for million dollar babyMillion Dollar Baby:

The film's poster is dark and gloomy with three characters being included in it. The character in the middle is the protagonist with the events of the film occurring through her perspective. The movie could be  dark and violent as the colour palette of the poster is black which could represent death and mystery as those themes are associated with the colour black.


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