Assessment Learner Response

MIGRAIN October assessment learner response

WWW: There's actually lots of potential offer some interesting and insightful points in most of the questions but need to improve revision and exam technique.

EBI: You must answer the question! Too often you drift off the question or stop offering specific analysis of the text you've been given.

-Written English/organisation. Make sure you are using paragraphs and organising your ideas in every question.

-Revise the theory and apply it. Genre theory?

The part of the mark scheme I didn't in the exam was excellent and judicious use of the theoretical framework (media language & narrative theory) to analyse how poster uses narrative.

The point that I missed in the exam was Enigma which signify pose questions to the audience which are then answered shortly after or later on in the film and Action codes which show significant events which move the narrative on in a particular direction.

The media terminology I got wrong in the exam was that I confused Todorov's theory with Propp's  theory which talked about how every narrative has eight characters and I also should have included Action and Enigma codes.

The question I did the most well on was Question 1 as I answered the question fully. The question that I did the worst in was Question 3 as I didn't explain that video fully and wandered off what the question was asking me.


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