Brand Values

Brand Values

Image result for apple

One of the brand values of Apple is Self-importance and Pride. This can be shown in one of Apple's advertising slogans which is "Think different". This makes the viewer think that Apple is something that is distinct and separate from different brands such as Samsung or HTC. Also they make it seem as though the customer is doing something different and unique by relating the Apple products to thinking differently. Also, another brand value of Apple is Rich and Luxurious lifestyle. Apple does this by making their products seem plain and ordinary which gives of the idea of simplicity.  Also, Apple products have a high-status in which people buy it because its popular and since it has such as a high-status and high-price, the customer feels as if they are rich or luxurious.

Apple products are  simple so they appeal to the customer.

Apple summed up in one word: Elegant


Image result for coca cola

One of the brand values of Coca-Cola is Art, culture and history. Coco-Cola has a big impact in culture as they use things such as movies like Star Wars or  Marvel movie which both have a big impact on pop culture, to promote their drinks. Also, Coca-Cola use Christmas to promote their products as Christmas is one of the most celebrated holidays and has a big impact on culture and use well-known figures such as Santa who is well engraved in western culture to further promote their products.

Coca-Cola use their impact in culture so drinks are bought

Coca-Cola summed up in one word: Notable

Innocent Drinks: 

One of the brand values of Innocent Drinks is Nature and the natural world. This is shown as Innocent Drinks consist of fruit that are natural which don't have artificial flavours and consist of nutrients that benefit the consumer. This is also shown in adverts in which Innocent Drinks show the viewer how natural their drinks are and how they benefit the person that could be drinking. This appeals to people which to have a healthy diet.

Innocent Drinks are healthy, appealing to people that like healthiness.

Innocent Drinks summed up in one word: Healthy


One of the brand values of Dior is Beautiful women. Dior uses good-looking and famous celebrities such as Natalie Portman This appeals to the audience as men and women like looking at beautiful which creates the idea of men admiring the women and then women admire what makes the men admire them causing the audience or viewer wanting to buy their products. 

Dior uses beautiful people to make people buy their stuff.

Dior summed up in one word: Desirable


One of the brand values of Nike is elite people and experts which is shown in when Nike uses notable sports men and women to promote their product such as Cristiano Ronaldo and Ronaldinho. This allows Nike to appeal to people who have an interest in sports and by endorsing or sponsoring famous sports people, this allows their large following to have an interest in buying Nike products thus helping Nike to keep their products to associated with elite people and experts.

Nike uses famous celebrities to promote and endorse their products.


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