MIGRAIN: Feminist theory

MIGRAIN: Feminist theory

1) The article focuses on post feminism and how it is represented in the media. One of the examples given is a TV show called Pan Am which aired on BBC 2. One of the ways post feminism represented in the TV show is by using the song "Independent Women" which reinforces post feminism. Another way post feminism is reinforced through the media is Beyonce's video for the song "Why Don't You Love Me? ", in which she dresses up in housewife clothes from 50's which she uses to contradict the idea of a housewife and paints the idea of a independent women. 

2) Pan Am and Beyonce's video for "Why Don't You Love Me? ".

3) The text's show a need for feminism by using female actor in the TV show Pan Am and how they face sexism. This faces issues that feminism wishes to stop and prohibit.


Nostalgia- A sentimental longing for the past, often only remembering the positives of the time.

Patriarchy – An ideology that places men in a dominant position over women.

Male Gaze – The gaze referring to Laura Mulvey’s seminal article ‘Visual Pleasure and Narrative Cinema’ which argues that main stream Hollywood films subject female characters to the ‘male gaze’ of the camera, fragmenting and objectifying their bodies.

Video Analysation

1) This video contributes to the idea of gender roles being a performance as Beyonce is shown as being a "house wife" and doing things such as cleaning the dishes and cutting the grass but this is then contradicted by drinking and smoking which goes against goes against some things that are stereotypical.

2) This video reinforces women as being housewives which is shown by Beyonce by cleaning the house etc but also challenges views by breaking stereotypes.

3) McRobbie could view Beyonce as a empowering role model for women as she challenges stereotypes that are associated with women.

4) I do agree that Beyonce does empower women but the video for Why Don't You Love Me makes it seem as though women are dependent which is shown by the lyrics of the song.


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