Ideology and binary opposition

Ideology and binary opposition

1) Examples of binary opposition from the clip are:

Immigrant vs Residents
Ruling Elite vs Working class
Employed vs Unemployed 

This can be shown in Nigel Forage saying how immigrants are affecting the residents that are born into the country but Russel Brand contradicts this by stating how the ruling elite have far advantages and privileges which can be shown their wealth.

2) Ideologies that are stated in this clip are immigrants affecting jobs but also the amount of land that people are able to live in. Also, immigrants have increased the population from a large amount causing the general population which was around 55 million increasing to around 60 million. However, Russel Brand believes that the ruling elite is to blame for the problems that the country is facing and things such as bankers having a large increase of money and not having a cap or limit to prevent the amount of wealth they have. Another ideology Russel Brand believes in is that the country has an uneven wealth distribution which varies largely from the rich to the poor.

Own clip:

1) Examples of binary opposition are light and dark which is shown by the entrance of both boxers. Another example of binary opposition is the United States of America which is symbolised by the boxer Adonis Creed who is juxtaposed with the UK which is symbolised by the boxer Ricky Conlan.

2) One of the ideologies that are represented is how Americans are patriotic and would do anything to support and represent their country, this also creates the idea that the USA is better than the UK which is conveyed subconsciously by the film as Creed is the main character making the audience support him and he symbolises America.


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