Representation of women in advertising

Representation of women in advertising

1) This 'commodified' woman is also used to sell products to men: 'the purchase of a commodity delivers the simultaneous acquisition of a female body'

2) "Feminine mystique", "Fair maiden".

3) This communicates the idea that women are 'objects' that exist for the pleasure of men; for example  the purchase of this Gucci perfume promises sex.

4) Laura Mulvey's (1975) theory of the 'male gaze'  Male power means that any social representation of women is constructed as a spectacle for the purpose of male pleasure.

5) Women were less sexualised and were starting to move away from the house wife representation.

6) "The roles that women take on in these advertisements appear to be progressive (the employee, the active woman)", however this is contrasted with the idea of a "A woman should look forward to dressing for the office."

7) "Barthel notes that 'today's young women can successfully storm the bastions of male power... without threatening their male counterparts' providing we can reassure them that, underneath the suit, we are still 'all woman"

8) "The message in the advert is that women can use Christian Dior make-up to make themselves sexually attractive - and that her sexuality is for her own enjoyment."

Beach Bodies vs Real Women:

1) The Are You Beach Body Ready? was a campaign launched by Protein World.

2) It made it seem as though there it was only one type of body that is seen as acceptable and made women with a different type of body as unhealthy or abnormal.

3) The advert makes the audience think that the idea of having beach body is important and something that is common and a prominent issue people should be thinking or worrying about.

4) Some people viewed it as sexist and that a women's body is to please man rather than for herself.

5) The Dove Real Beauty Campaign was a campaign targeted to show and feature women with real and natural bodies that consist of women of all races and ages.

6) Social media makes it easier for people to voice their opinions and if an advert is seen as controversial it makes it easier for people to show their disagreement.

7) Women can be shown to have jobs they are put in jobs such as a secretary which are made to accomplish the desires and wishes of men- linking to the idea of male dominance.

8) Representations of women have changed in 60 years. Women were represented as house wives and upholding the pleasures and desires of men however women are represented as more equally with men.


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