Gender , Identity and advertising

Gender, Identity and advertising

1) The view of  " decline of tradition" is show in the view of traditional masculinity in which men were portrayed as tough and strong and emotionless and being the bread makers in the household. The Score Hair cream advert from 1967 promotes the idea of male superiority and people from that time would have the tough and strong view of masculinity. However, the Maybelline advert shows a gay man and doesn't fall under the view of traditional masculinity thus showing the decline of tradition as representations have changed over a span of many years.

Also one of the examples given by David Gauntlett to shown the decline of tradition is that the traditional view of a women used to be a housewife  or low-status worker but now that has changed and evolved to the " by the feisty, successful 'girl power' icons." Another examples shown is that ideals that are associated with masculinity such as of toughness, stubborn self-reliance and emotional silence has now changed to taking on things such as need for advice and which causes people and men especially to think about the problems of masculinity and men's emotions. The idea that there is a decline of tradition links to things such as the Score Hair Cream advert which shows conforms to old gender roles such as the man being the dominant one and the women being the inferior and the fact the man in the advert seems to be a masculine man. However, this is contrasted with the idea of gender fluidity in the Maybelline mascara advert which shows the man having feminine attributes and a lack of traditional masculine attributes thus showing the decline of tradition.

2) The media influences and constructs our identities as a viewer through things such as TV shows and movies. This can be shown in action movies in which the men have to save a person and if it was a women, she would be represented like a damsel in distress, this then creates an identity as the women would be associated with a damsel in distress and the man be seen as the hero or the saviour. This can also be show in the TV shows or movies for children in which boys would be shown TV shows based on action and fighting and girls would be shown TV shows with princesses.

3) The two CSP's show a different view on masculinity which differs and has changed over many years. The media promote modern liberal values which can be seen as a positive things as it promotes and supports things such as freedom speech and equal opportunity. However, it can also lead to bias and cause contrasting views with conservatives and their views.

4) Manny and Shayla can be considered good examples of role models as they have a large following in which they are able to influence.

5) The Score Hair cream advert supports the idea of a traditional view of masculinity which can be shown in the man being presented as superior than the women in the advert and things such as the caption, clothes and props further reinforce that idea. 

6) The Maybelline advert could be used as evidence for masculinity not being in crisis. As it shows a man who is represented equally as a women.

7) Adverts still include the idea of "conventionally rugged, super-independent, extra-strong macho man", advertisements for perfume and deodorant use this representation as this is what the audience view themselves as and also uphold the view of a traditional masculinity. Advertisers use different representations based on the audience that they are targeting towards.

8) Advertisements use different representations to target different audiences. Advertisements use the idea of girl power which is shown in advertisements for perfume and make-up to reinforce this idea however advertisements would still use an advert like the Beach Body campaign if the target audience are like that.

9) Younger generations have things such as the internet to allow them to be more vocal about things. Also, due to the change and values of society this has allowed younger generations to identify or think different ways when compared to how older generations would have, this is helped by things by the media but also people, celebrities and influencers.

10) In the Score Hair cream advert, heterosexuality is being promoted whereas a homosexual man is shown in the Maybelline advert which shows how the idea of sexual orientation is viewed and presented differently.

11) The phrase " for a man or a woman" shows how the view on gender has changed but also the fact that it fragrance doesn't wish to seclude a demographic.

12) The advert links to the idea "gender trouble" due to the fact that the Manny who is using cosmetic products and cosmetic products are associated with women therefore showing the breakdown in the separation of men and women, in terms of the things that define that specific gender such as sports could are stereotypically associated with men and cosmetic products are  in this case are stereotypically associated with women and the fact the a male is using things are considered only for women supports the idea of gender trouble.

13) The two digital influencers got to where they are due to the social media and the internet allowing them to accumulate and grow a fan base and audience in which they are able to make their own content. This shows that its more important to please an audience as they are the one ultimately in position of power and are more important to the content creator than a media institution.

14) Advertising reinforces and challenges stereotypes based on the audience. If they're audiences are or at least consider themselves a feminist then they are likely to make an advert based on girl power however if they're audience don't necessarily consider themselves a feminist then they are likely to make an advert based on their target audience.

15) The Maybelline advert does show that views on things such as gender and sexuality change . As the advert had a different view on gender and sexuality when compared to the Score hair cream advert and also shows how audiences change their view as well based on the time and society they are in or grew up in.


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