Magazine cover


1) Image result for times magazine cover      Image result for times magazine cover    Image result for times magazine cover

2) I will use my model to be in the middle and will be covering some parts of the logo, just like most of the people that are on the front page of the cover.

3)  " Gurpreet Hakim", "out with the old in with the new" 

Publication to analysis:


2) I did try to imitate the other magazine covers but I also included other things such as "exclusive interview" at the bottom of the page to make it seem as though it is a real magazine just like real magazines do when they try to sell the magazine.

3) When compared it to professional and actual Times magazine covers, the placement of the model is how the magazine would do it however the font used isn't the fonts they use. Making it harder to pass off as a real magazine cover.

4) The strongest aspect of my work would be the borders and logo looking like the actual Times magazine template as it has the same colour and same size.

5) The writing and captions, this makes the magazine look less professional and also the captions look the same whereas in Times Magazine wouldn't be like that.

6) I would try to change the colour palette and use less lighting so that if I want to include captions at the bottom, it would be much easier to see compared to if I try doing it now. Also, I would change the captions and writing to make it seem more professional and include more. I would also include the  "names" of the writers next to the caption to show that specific individual wrote that story.


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