Magazine front cover - Learner response

Magazine front cover - Learner response


2) Mark: 9
Grade: C

WWW: Excellent border and masthead – the cover looks like Time magazine at first glance which is important. I also like the main flash – ‘Out with the old…’ The way the cover image goes over the Time title also shows technical expertise.

EBI: There are inconsistencies on the cover – the text is weaker. The font at the very bottom does not look appropriate for Time magazine at all and you also have inconsistencies in the use of italics. The image itself is a little overexposed – the lighting is not quite right. If you can add this consistency, attention to detail and a professional edge you will certainly be pushing towards the higher grades.

3) My magazine cover had satisfactory knowledge used in order to use combination of elements to communicate clear meanings of the product.

4) I should have made the picture's lighting less bright and use consistent fonts an typography for the magazine but also the typography and fonts that Time Magazine themselves would use for the cover magazine. Also, use different headers for different sections of the magazine to make it appear more realistic and as if it really is a real magazine cover.

5) Have more than on photo, so if you choose the magazine you have more than option to pick which doesn't decrease your choices.


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