Magazines: Industries and Men's Health

Magazines: Industries and Men's Health

1) "Hearst Communications, often referred to simply as Hearst, is an American mass media and business information conglomerate based in New York City. Hearst owns a wide variety of newspapers, magazines, television channels, and television stations ."

2) "the San Francisco Chronicle, the Houston Chronicle, Cosmopolitan, Esquire, 50% of broadcasting firm A&E Networks,[4] and 20% of the sports broadcaster ESPN" these are the media industries and brands that make up the Hearst conglomerate company.

3) £10.8 billion in 2016

4) The magazine brands that are under Hearst UK publishing is Cosmopolitan, Esquire and Woman's Health.

5) James Wildman's plan for Hearst UK is to "grow share in print to stem decline, accelerate growth in digital, diversify revenues through events and partnerships, and look at acquisitions."

6) The percentage of ad declines consumer magazines are facing are 10%.

7) Wildman thinks that premium content should be charged for and has stated that pay walls aren't planned for.

8) Diversification has allowed Wildman to run 100 events a year and wants to focus on fewer, bigger events such as Esquire Town House.

9) Men's Health has increased in circulation.

10) The explanation by Hearst for the success of the magazine in a tough print is because of "“Our trusted print magazines can engage and inspire readers in a way that other media struggles to do. We proudly circulate over four million magazines a month, and I’m thrilled to see such a robust set of numbers. We have invested heavily in print and to be rewarded with market leaders in each of our monthly competitive sectors, alongside six period-on-period increases is a fantastic achievement."

The impact of digital media on the print magazines industry

1) Traditional print magazines are struggling because they are unable to sell viable amount of copies and because of the internet.

2) The genre of magazines that are increasing in sales are News and Current Affairs which is due to the things like Brexit and the Trump Election which are very important topics that are going on therefore making people buy the magazine if they are likely to talk about topics such as those which News and Current Affairs do which explains their increase of sales.

3) Magazine genres that are struggling are celebrity, gossip and fashion publications and examples of magazines that have declined are Vogue, Star, Vanity Fair, Marie Claire and OK! and have all decreased in sales.

4) Sales of the top 100 actively purchased print titles in the UK have fell by 42% from 23.8 million to 13.9 million between 2010 ad 2017 and since the start of the internet in 2000, the decline is 55% from 30.8 million. 

5) Both Google and Facebook can be accounted for 65% of the £6.5 billion UK display ad market which means both companies have earned £4.7 billion form the UK display ad market.

6) The strategies that magazine publishers can use to remain in the business in the digital age are by posting their articles for free in order to allow the magazine to stay relevant or charging readers to protect the financial future of the brand.

7) The magazine industry is not dead because Wildman states that they sell 5 million and they are able to bring in 20 million unique users. Also because of the reason reinvention of magazine brands online is all well and good.

8) Magazine are finding new revenue streams through things like digital ads and also another way magazines to survive is to build a brand beyond their core print publication such as the best selling premium gym at Argos being branded after the Men's Health Magazine showing that they are using their brand beyond their magazines. Also by doing this such as endorsement, accreditation and licensing are ways of revenue streams.

9) Due to things such as fake news on Face Book, people are starting to go back to traditional magazine brands due to things such as trust.

10) Men's Health has been able to target new audiences who use things such as the internet allowing them to not only have a new audience in which they are able to target but also due to a possible revenue stream because of the financial success of things going digital on the interenet.

The Men's Health website and social media

1) The website and print edition focuses on masculinity and use it as a way of attracting to new audiences. It also shows tips and celebrities as a way of engaging a new viewer in order for them to continually visit the website.

2) The Daily Newsletter is described as "your dose of  health news, weight loss tips and workouts straight to your inbox" and the way it helps Hearst is by allowing the person signing up to "get discounts, special offers and promotions" which helps Hearst's brand image.

3) The Menu shows options directing the viewer to thing like " Your Summer Body, Workouts, Muscle, Fitness, Nutrition, Weight Loss, Style, Watches" which shows the representations of masculinity that the Men's Health magazine want to represent which closely links to the idea of metro sexuality.

4) In the Nutrition tab it shows things like losing calories, healthy habits, healthy alternatives to junk food which shows their target audience are likely to be healthy but are also very focused in maintaining a healthy and fit body.

5) I think that they are trying to do both as having a digital audience is important in this current society due to the uprising and increase of the internet. However, Men's Health magazine has an audience that are willing to buy their print companies which means that buy focusing on realising the magazine digitally can cause the audience who buy the print copies to be alienated or unwilling to read willing.

6) The Men's Health magazine use click bait such as using a picture and a question or caption which catches the attention of the reader which makes them more likely to click on the article. Example this can be shown by the article stating "The ultimate guide to getting rid of man boobs " and then following it with this pictures.                                                                                                                                                 

7) The twitter feed uses images that are catches the readers attention and the text and links make the article more likely to be clicked on as the titles tend to ask the reader a question thus making them want the answer and the only way they are able to get the answer is by clicking on the article.

8) The Instagram feed of Men's Health uses hashtags and positive post in order to make the Men's Health seem more motivating and makes the viewer want to focus on improving their lifestyle and health.

9) I think hey are trying to do both because if they are able to build a digital audience then it means they are likely to have more viewers to read the magazine and engage with the things said on the magazine but also if they have a new way of gaining viewers then they are possibly able to persuade them into buying the actual print which is likely.

10) The Men's Health magazine are indeed able to successfully communicate with their target audience as they use method such as giving health tips and showing articles that  give that information which allows them to understand and communicate with the audience that they are targeting.


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