Men's Health magazine audience

Men's Health magazine

1) "Men’s Health is the biggest-selling men’s lifestyle magazine, both in the UK and worldwide.

It’s success is built on a winning editorial formula which combines visually-engaging health, well-being and nutrition features with premium content covering fashion, grooming, watches, tech and travel."

2) By using things like "fashion, grooming, watches, tech and travel" which are associated with traditional masculinity therefore making the viewer feel as though they are a "man" if they read the magazine.

3) In "Circulation Total ABC" Men's Health has more than GQ and EQ and "Readership Total Men" Men's Health has more the EQ and GQ and  and Reader Ship  ABC1 Men and ABC Men's Health Magazine has more than EQ and GQ.

4) "Circulation is a count of how many copies of a particular publication are distributed. Readership is an estimate of how many readers a publication has."

5) The total circulation for Men's Health is 180,000 which overshadows rivals, GQ and EQ which both have a total circulation of 117,000 and 65,000. The readership for ABC1 men are 643,000 and for AB men are 321,000.

6) According to Men's health magazine, their website is the biggest for men's lifestyle in the UK. They generate 562,000 monthly unique users, 1,200,000  monthly users and 1,934,000 monthly page views. 68% of viewers are on mobile, 21% of viewers are on computer and 11% are on tablet. 

7) Men's health has amassed over 1M followers over a range of social media platforms. On FaceBook, Men's health has accumulated  over 944,000 and has gained 285,000 on Twitter and has 66,000 on Instagram.

8)  The audience profile for Men's health magazine is considered "affluent, intelligent and successful". With the  combined print and digital audience for Men's health magazine, 905,000 are ABC1 who range from the age of 24 to 44. 700,000 of which have a degree and 200,000 having earned over £$50,000.

9) The men's health philosophy of fashion is being stylish, contemporary, wearable and individualistic. The readers of Men's health magazine all collectively spend £1.1bn on fashion a year. Which is triple the amount that GQ readers spend on their fashion a year.

10) The average watch collection value for Men's Health magazine is £4,123 and the readers intend to spend £3,201 on the next watch. This shows that Men's Health magazine readers are indeed rich and affluent and also must have rich taste due to the intention of them indulging on watch collections.

11) 73% of readers who use moisturiser daily showing that they have a contemporary view on masculinity and could possibly not follow traditional masculine views or hyper masculinity.

12) The magazine considers Men's health magazine readers as  "fitness evangelists" and "early adopters of tech" with 792,000 owning a wearable device which presents the readers as people who exercise religiously and take it to a serious standard. The wearable device shows the extent they are willing to go to in order to be as healthy as they can be.

13) Men's health magazine has three brand extension magazines with the first one being known as Urban Active which covers " Sports-luxe fashion magazine produced in partnership with Harrods showcasing the continuing trend for high-end performance fashion apparel". The second one is called Synchronised which is "Now in it’s 8th year, our annual watch special is produced with the industries leading horologists and is a must have buyers-guide for amateurs and aficionados" and the last one is called Epicure which is "Showcasing the best in food, drink, restaurants and kitchen skills for the man interested in cooking from scratch, provenance and fine dining".

14)  The magazines suggest that the people who read them could be from the upper class and also enjoy living a lavish and indulging lifestyle. Due to Men's Health having three additional magazine it shows that the readers for the usual magazine could possibly share the same interest and lifestyle the other magazines do.

15) Men's Health have brand extensions which have to do with Gym and healthy eating. It provides things like gym equipment, food packs and protein milkshakes which ties in with the idea of the magazine readers living a healthy and exercise centred lifestyle which Men's Health are of course trying to capitalise of.

16) The global statistics for Men's Health is 37 International Editions and 60 countries published in, 4.5 million global circulations and 26.7 million global readerships, 25 websites.#

17) The editorial special of 2017 for Men's Health shows that the audience are focused on their body and are using things that are stereotypically associated with women such as a Beach Body which closely links to the idea of metrosexuality which is a new representation of masculinity in this current day society. 

18) The audience pleasures that are offered by the magazine are showing health tips and ways of improving your lifestyle. This can be important in this current day society but it also shows products such as gym equipment which can help improve things such as health and appearance. Also they show things such as celebrities such as David Beckham who is known for things like fashion which is one of the aspects that Men's Health magazine audience focus on.

19) Men's Health readers are likely to have luxurious or healthy lifestyle. This is due to the magazine showing things such as health tips and focus on body appearance. They also show things such as fashion, grooming, which focus on the appearance which could show that the reader of Men's Health are focused on those things.

20) This is them successfully being able to integrate into the digital platform which gives them benefits such as easier access and gives the advantages that they wouldn't be able to do with normal print magazine. Also, they are able to target a young audience that are available on digital platforms.


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