Oh Comely Representation

Oh Comely Representation

1) The representations in Oh Comely show things such as female rights activist that are doing different types of bring to light and issues and problems that women face.

2) Examples of race, ethnicity and nationality can be shown by the Somalia women that is speaking out against Female Genital MutilationT.

3) One of the representations that can be found of women and femininity is an empowering representation.

4) As the core audience of the magazine is women and the magazine focuses on issue that women face.

5) Oh Comely could be an example of fourth wave feminism as they are able to speak out against things like sexism and misogyny.

6) The feature uses binary opposition between male and female to create a dominant reading of difference and opposites.

7) The feature "More Than Gender" shows a transgender that changed from woman to man and then man to woman which shows according to Judith Butler that gender is a performance as the transgender was able to change their gender but still retain their personality and character.

8) Oh Comely uses woman who could be considered as female rights activists as a way of empowering women but to also shed light on issues and problems that women face today and aren't focused on commercial success whereas traditional female magazines and use women as a means of achievement a financial objective.

9) Oh Comely does represents this as it shows representations of women different to how they used to be such as the front cover isn't sexualised as much as traditional magazines tend to do or magazines in the past used to do.

10) This is true as Oh Comely don't show things as facts allowing them to be interpreted in the viewers own way and are subjective.


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