News story 2

News story 2 


 The title of the news story is "Thousands of passengers are left stranded after budget airline Primera Air goes bust."


One passenger at Charles de Gaulle airport in Paris said her flight to Toronto was half way through the boarding process when passengers had to be escorted off the plane and posted this picture to Instagram

3) After the airline of Primera Air files for bankruptcy thus shutting down airlines and airplanes. This then causes thousands of passengers being left stranded without any of them being able to go home. Passengers or people left their start to take pictures and post them on Instagram. I would say this is an example of soft news as even though the news story talks about an issue that many people are facing however this centres on the lives of the individual and has little urgency when compared to other events that are currently going such as the Syrian crisis which would be considered hard news.

4) This story might appeal to an audience as it talks about everyday  people facing a problem. This might relate to much of the population as they are indeed everyday people who have jobs etc and because of this, it might make audiences feel sorry for the passengers who are stranded.

5) This might be a case of click bait as some of the words used by the story such as "bust" might exaggerate the events that did go down and might cause the audience to paint a different picture than what the news story portrays. However, the news story does includes such as videos, Instagram photos and additional information which shows how they do indeed want to inform the  viewer on every bit of the story which then creates an accurate and precise story for the news to cover.


The name of the news story is "Facebook will put adverts on WhatsApp in 2019".

Less is more? Whatsapp was originally marketed as advert-free and end-to-end encrypted

3) Although WhatsApp is a app that is used by nearly two billion people which was bought and taken over by Facebook in 2014. However, Facebook wish to add and impellent advertisements onto the app.

4) This news may appeal to the audience that use WhatsApp which is nearly two billion which is a very large audience. Also, audiences might be annoyed or displeased with this decision as WhatsApp is an ad-free app so putting ads into the app can not only annoy the audience but might also appear as a cash-grab as putting advertisements into the app would increase the amount of money Facebook get from WhatsApp.

5) This is an example of soft news as the topic that the story chooses to focus on isn't urgent or prominent but rather talks about a small problem or issue. This could be considered a case of clickbait as the website put the word adverts and on the internet, adverts are rather disliked as they prevent or interfere with what you're searching and watching. Also the website makes the idea of WhatsApp implementing ads into a bigger deal than it really it is which could be argued that this is the website making clickbait to attract as much viewers as they can so they can benefit from it which allows them to make more money in the long run.


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