The future of journalism

The future of journalism

1) Clay Shirk argues that "accountability journalism" is important as the media gets their information which they base their news story from journalist and if the journalist isn't correct or accountable then this makes the news story false and inaccurate. 

2) I think he states that advertisers place their adverts on news websites showing how they have a symbiotic relationship as advertisers benefit from placing their news advert as they can get new customers from them viewing the advert and newspapers benefit as they make money from advertisers place their as on their websites.

3) I think Clay Shirk states that due to newspapers having so much content in terms of them consistently covering news stories, this causes the person reading the newspaper to go through many stories as they can thus unbundling as much content as they can.

4) If the internet was more widespread I992 then more people would have definitely known about it and would also allows people to get information about the scandal even if the church try to silence different media outlets or companies.

5) Shirky argues against pay walls as they are a way of interfering between the reader and the newspaper.

6) A social good can be defined as something that is available to anyone and in journalism this means that a news story is available for anyone in the public to read and consume.

7) By having something that is able to bring information to a large group of people.

8) If the New York Times or the Guardian are able to stay business and provide news this means that more people will be able to get information about current events thus giving large amounts of information to a large audience or population.


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