Introduction to Feminism
Introduction to Feminism 1) To prevent sexism and harassment on women and how nobody takes the issue seriously or doesn't want to talk about it. 2) Everyday Sexism links to Post-feminism as it shows how women are equal with men in our current day society however she also shows how violence against women in the UK is still prominent, examples given are Over 2 women killed every week by a current or former partner, 400,000 women are sexually assaulted per year, one rape every 7 minutes. 3) Technology is essential to the success of Everyday Sexism as it allows women to voice their opinion and also makes it easier for people to come across the more easier.] 4) The future of feminism is need as long as women are not viewed as being equal to men and changes are already made in our current day society. The Fourth Wave: 1) Feminism is often divided into ‘waves’ to explain the cultural context in which they began. The ‘first wave of feminism’ bega...