Magazines: Industries and Men's Health 1) " Hearst Communications, often referred to simply as Hearst, is an American mass media and business information conglomerate based in New York City. Hearst owns a wide variety of newspapers, magazines, television channels, and television stations ." 2) "the San Francisco Chronicle, the Houston Chronicle, Cosmopolitan, Esquire, 50% of broadcasting firm A&E Networks,[4] and 20% of the sports broadcaster ESPN" these are the media industries and brands that make up the Hearst conglomerate company. 3) £10.8 billion in 2016 4) The magazine brands that are under Hearst UK publishing is Cosmopolitan, Esquire and Woman's Health. 5) James Wildman's plan for Hearst UK is to "grow share in print to stem decline, accelerate growth in digital, diversify revenues through events and partnerships, and look at acquisitions." 6) The percentage of ad declines consumer magazines are faci...